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更新于 20230604:
iOS 15-16.1.2未越狱资源整理,由于TrollStore的出现,很多iPA雨后春笋般冒了出来,不过资源并没有像Cydia一样被整理到一个软件中(虽然有人尝试过),资源遍布各大互联网,十分难找
1. TrollStore
- Link: https://github.com/opa334/TrollStore
- Support: iOS 14.0-15.4.1 & iOS 15.5 beta 1-4 & iOS 15.6 beta 1-4
TrollStore is a permasigned jailed app that can permanently install any IPA you open in it.
It works because of an AMFI/CoreTrust bug where iOS does not verify whether or not a root certificate used to sign a binary is legit.
2. TrollNonce
- Link: https://github.com/opa334/TrollNonce
- Support: iOS 15.0 - 15.1.1 (A10-A15) & 15.2-15.5b4 (A12+, not all device / version combinations supported atm)
- Depend: TrollStore 1.0.9+
Nonce Setter
3. TrollLock Reborn
- Link: https://github.com/haxi0/TrollLock-Reborn
- Support: iOS 15.0 - 16.1.2
Use to change the lock icon when device unlocked
4. TrollStoreiPA
- Link: https://github.com/34306/TrollStoreiPA
- Support: TrollStore
This repo saved iPA for TrollStore also know as tweak-to-iPA and DailyiPAs which is a tweak on jailbreak but convert to iPA and work with TrollStore iOS 15.0 to 15.5 beta 4 and iPAs that daily apps you use.
5. DowngradeApp
- Link: https://share.initnil.com/With_TorllStore/DowngradeApp
- Support: TrollStore
- 降级软件
- 快速切换AppStore账号
6. Trollrepo
- Link: https://github.com/Peng1029/trollrepo
- Support: TrollStore
A small repo for trollstore based off of u/freakshowaddicts guide, create an issue with some links and I’ll try to add any new apps to the guide, will also have a Trollstore source file in a bit but I’m lazy
7. DebToiPA
- Link: https://github.com/sourcelocation/DebToIPA
- Support: TrollStore
Convert .deb apps to .ipa files, on iOS, locally
8. AirTroll
- Link: https://github.com/sourcelocation/AirTroller
- Support: TrollStore
Intro: AirDrop spammer / flooder to troll friends
9. Fliza
- Link: https://www.tigisoftware.com/default/?p=439
- Support: TrollStore
Filza File Manager, powerful File Manager for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch
10. FileSwitcherPro
Support: iOS 14.0-15.7.1 & 16.0-16.1.2
- FileSwitcherPro is a successor of FileSwitcherX. Users can customize as they wish:
- Automate the replacement of favorite files
- Customize the home screen by arranging only favorite tweaks.
- Freely change the colors of the control center, notifications, dock, and folders.
- Change carrier name and beta alert text.
- Importing a file that has been modified in another app will allow all changes to be applied in just this app.
This app is convenient when used with a file manager.
- FileSwitcherPro is a successor of FileSwitcherX. Users can customize as they wish:
10.1 使用FileSwitcherPro修改键盘空格文字
- Path:
- File: Keyboard-zh_Hans.plist
- 使用Fliza复制教程文件至默认Document路径,删除plist文件中
字符至自己喜欢的字符。 - 储存plist文件至 系统-文件
- 打开FileSwitcherPro,添加Original Item - 复制原始文件路径至Target(也就是
) - OVERWRITE选Replace File - 选择刚才储存的plist文件 - 添加 - 勾选 To Replace - 点击 Apply即可生效
12. Trollspeed
- Links: https://www.123pan.com/s/ifH9-ami63.html
- Support: Troolstore
- Source: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Nhp-xnuvBkf95jdSMcfUZg
Intro: 悬浮窗显示网速